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来自 : 新浪博客 发布时间:2021-03-24
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) supports today’sannouncement by Ravensdown and Ballance Agri-Nutrients that theyhave voluntarily suspended sales and use of Dicyandiamide (DCD)treatment on farm land until further notice.


“Once we knew that even very low levels of DCD residues found inmilk may present a trade issue, MPI set up a working group toassess the impact of that, even though there is no food safetyconcern associated with the use of DCD,” Carol Barnao, MPI DeputyDirector General Standards says.

“一旦我们知道,即使是非常低水平DCD残留在牛奶中也可能存在贸易问题,MPI成立了一个工作组,以评估影响,即使是DCD的使用没有影响食品安全”MPI副主任Carol Barnao说。

Consumers’ have high expectations of New Zealand food and theregulations we have in place to ensure its quality and safety, MsBarnao says.


“The crux of this is that there is no internationally set standardfor DCD residues in food. This is because DCD has not beenconsidered to have any impact on food safety.

“Because no standard exists, the detectable presence of DCDresidues in milk could be unacceptable to consumers and ourinternational markets, even in the small amounts found in recenttesting. Food regulators around the world are reflecting marketdemands with increasingly rigorous testing and in some countriesthere is a zero tolerance to detected residues outside agreedstandards.



“New Zealand’s reputation is based on the high quality of food weproduce, so MPI is working across the board with primary producersto manage potential concerns for our markets andconsumers.“新西兰的声誉建立在我们生产高品质的食品,MPI是全线采用的主要生产商,以管理潜在的问题,为我们的市场和消费者。“DCD has been used in New Zealand farming in a unique andinnovative way and MPI has supported its development to address keyenvironmental issues.


“Its application directly onto farm land is one of the morepromising ways of reducing nitrate leaching to waterways andgreenhouse gas emissions from farming, particularly dairying, aswell as promoting pasture growth.”


MPI will work actively with other organisations to investigate whatthis suspension means in terms of the future use of DCD in farming,including the impact on water quality requirements.

“Given DCD’s environmental benefits, the working group willcontinue to assess its future use in a way that meets traderequirements,” Ms Barnao says.

“We appreciate there may be some impact on the small number ofdairy farmers that use DCD but believe this action is in the bestinterests of maintaining New Zealand’s reputation as a quality foodsupplier.”




In December 2012, MPI set up a working group with industry toassess the use of DCD on farm land that might result in residues infood.


The working group was established after advice to MPI in November2012 of the detection of the occasional presence of low levels ofDCD in dairy products coinciding with the times of the year thatDCD is applied (autumn, winter and spring).

The working group is made up of dairy company Fonterra, the DairyCompanies Association of New Zealand (DCANZ), Ravensdown, BallanceAgri-Nutrients, and staff from MPI.



Media contact at Ministry for Primary Industries: Josie Vidal 04894 3410 or 029 894 0161

or call the MPI Media phone 029 894 0328.

Follow MPI on Twitter@MPI_NZ

Frequently asked questions voluntary suspension of DCDFood safetyHow do you know there is no food safety risk from DCDresidues in food?

Research shows no food safety risk or human or animal healthconcerns with DCD use. It is of very low toxicity, and even withextremely high doses it has been difficult to identify any adverseeffects.

DCD has been used commercially in New Zealand for directapplication to pasture since 2004 and MPI scientists have concludedthat DCD residues in food from pasture application do not raise anyfood safety concerns.

MPI and Ravensdown have done food safety assessments independently.Both assessments reached the same conclusion: that there was nolikely food safety risk from this use of DCD in New Zealand.

DCD is a compound which is used widely in a number of industriesincluding electronics, pharmaceuticals, and in food packaging.






Was the question of DCD residues in food considered duringthe development of DCD for use on farm land in NewZealand?

Yes. In 2003, a year before release, Ravensdown engaged LandcareResearch to complete a comprehensive review on potentialenvironmental and human health effects arising from landapplication of DCD. This paper confirmed what we know today aboutthe product safety, and saw no impediments to use. Ravensdown alsoengaged with the Dairy Research Institute about the product and itsintended use.

In 2009 the Ministry for Primary Industries’ predecessors MAF andNew Zealand Food Safety Authority took part in a trial to look atthe levels of DCD that remained on pasture over time. The resultsshowed that animal intake of DCD presented no animal or food safetyconcerns.

DCD is essentially a non-toxic water soluble compound. It isbiodegradable in soil and it leaves no lingering residues in soil.It degrades to form carbon dioxide, ammonia and water.




DCD是基本上无毒的水溶性化合物。它是可生物降解土壤中 ,并没有留下挥之不去的土壤中的残留物。它降解形成二氧化碳,氨和水。

Can DCD be used to boost protein levels inmilk?

DCD is one of a number of compounds that may be used to make thetotal nitrogen content of a food appear higher than it actually is.The DCD levels identified are very low and far below any level thatcould provide any economic advantage.



Are DCD and melamine the same?


Melamine is present in DCD in very small amounts. The melamine inDCD causes no health or regulatory issues. Testing has picked up nomelamine residues in milk products from DCD use.

International standards setting bodies have established a safelimit for melamine residues in food. This limit is far above anypotential residue of melamine from this DCD use.





Were any melamine residues detected in the milk tested forDCD?

No. MPI testing under the National Chemical Contaminants Programmehas picked up no melamine residues in raw milk from DCD use thisis consistent with expectations.



MPI根据国家化学污染物方案的测试DCD使用的原料奶没有三聚氰胺残留量回升 -这与预期一致。

About DCDWhat is DCD?

DCD is a compound that is being increasingly used in New Zealandagriculture (mainly dairy pasture) to simultaneously increasepasture production and address key environmental issues.

Its application directly onto farm land is one of the morepromising ways of reducing nitrate leaching to water (improvingwater quality) and greenhouse gas emissions (nitrous oxide) fromfarming, particularly dairying, as well as promoting pasturegrowth. The benefit of reducing nitrate leaching is that theimpacts of agricultural production on waterways may also bereduced.

New Zealand is unique in that DCD is sprayed directly ontopasture.

Internationally DCD is widely used in electronics, pharmaceuticals,and in food packaging plastics.






What farm land treatments have DCD as acomponent?

In New Zealand DCD products are sold under the brand names Eco-n(Ravensdown) and DCn (Ballance Agri-Nutrients). These are theproducts being suspended from the market.

How long does DCD remain in the soil?

DCD is completely biodegradable in soil and leaves no residues insoil. The rate of degradation varies depending on soil temperatureand the amount of rainfall. It stays longer in the soil at lowertemperatures and moves past the root zones quickly with heavyrainfall.

DCD is an essentially non toxic water soluble compound and isdegraded when applied to pastures and soils to carbon dioxide,ammonia and water.


DCD是完全可生物降解土壤中 ,土壤中无残留。的降解速率取决于对土壤温度和降雨的量。停留时间较长,在土壤中,在较低温度和过去根区域中的快速移动大雨。



本文链接: http://ravensdown.immuno-online.com/view-715622.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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